Guidelines for Head Teacher/Principal/CRC/BRC/DIET

The self assessment data submitted by the teachers should be tabulated and analysed for identifying the areas/themes for future in-service programmes of teachers. The following need to be taken care of:

  1. . After collecting the self assessment report from all the teachers, Head Teacher/Principal needs to forward the same to CRC/BRC (for elementary teachers) and DIET (for secondary and senior secondary teachers).
  2. . CRC/BRC/DIET has to consolidate the data obtained from the schools in Table 3 (Appendix 4) provided. An example of the same has been given in Appendix 5.
  3. . From the consolidated data, CRC/BRC/DIET has to identify the major standards/areas/ themes, and how many teachers are under Level 1 and Level 2 (Appendix 5).
  4. . These areas/themes need to be prioritized while organising in-service programmes/on-site support/mentoring.
  5. . Self assessment data should only be used to provide professional support and mentoring to teachers.