Rating Used in TSAR

Each performance indicator is rated on a four-point scale ranging from 1 to 4 indicating the levels of performance. The rating points are:
Performance Level Name of the Level Descriptors Level Point
L1 Much effort is needed to reach the expected standard

Below Satisfactory Performance :
Teacher’s performance does not meet the expectations, roles and responsibilities of a teacher; Needs more effort to achieve proficiency to become an effective teacher; Requires continuous professional support to achieve proficiency

L2 Approaching the expected standard Satisfactory performance:
Making efforts to achieve the required proficiency to become an effective teacher; Requires professional support to achieve proficiency; Needs improvement in his/her performance
L3 Approached the expected standard Effective performance:
Meets the requirements of teaching job; Demonstrates a willingness to learn and applies new teaching skills; Sustains high performance over a period of time; Exhibits behaviour that has a positive impact on students’ learning
L4 Beyond the expected standard Exceptional performance:
Consistently exhibits behaviours that have a strong positive impact on learners and school’s climate; Serves as a role model to others; Innovatively performs tasks and makes extra efforts for improving students’ performance